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Prune Trees Before It Snows Again 

Prune Trees Before It Snows Again 

Snowstorm Tree Damage Prevention What is the greatest threat to your trees here in the Denver area? It’s not an insect or disease; it is snow, or more specifically, snow when leaves are on the tree. The following factors cause snowstorm damage to trees: Heavy...
Anatomy of the Tree

Anatomy of the Tree

Anatomy of the Tree Lets take you back to your first biology class in junior high school. In the botany section , trees were discussed. A tree has three parts: roots, trunk and crown. Trees grow each year in height and span by adding on new growth in branch twigs....
Why Do Trees Drop Their Leafs?

Why Do Trees Drop Their Leafs?

Believe it or not, the closest relative to the whale is the Hippopotamus. What does this have to do with tree dropping leaves? Over time, animals and plants adapt to environmental change or to take advantage of an opportunity to better thrive. A great example of...